When I had my red wine epiphany (described in a previous blog post), my crostini were covered in not only melted gorgonzola, but drizzled with honey. What? Honey on cheese? New concept. Then I went to a book club meeting and the hostess served a plate of sliced pears, yummy cheese and a small pot of honey on the side for drizzling. She told us her mother-in-law (Italian) had given her this honey, and warned that some people might not like it as it was quite strong. I peeked in the pot to find the honey was dark as night! What kind of honey could this be? I drizzled it on my cheese and fruit, took a bite, and my eyes rolled back in my head. Yes, it was that good. I asked her what kind it was but she couldn’t remember…something that started with a “c”.

(Don't you love my honey pump? Thanks Holly!)
I’ve just decided to add it to an upcoming tour itinerary.
Won’t you join me? Email me at: [email protected] to inquire about upcoming tour availability and itineraries.